Welcome back to day 3 of my book launch. Also happy Labor day! As for the title, I’m not talking about my book, The Princess Center (Out September 14), it’s going to be about Samaná, Dominican Republic!
YAY! I figured, I’d give a little break from my book launch, I mean it is labor day, we all deserve a break. Which is why I wanted to continue on with my Eastern Caribbean Cruise, I want to introduce our last island, which was Samaná, Dominican Republic.
It’s a beautiful island that I felt fully immersed with locals out of all the islands we went to through our cruise. And because of that, we got the real feel of the island natives and where and how they lived and that’s where I saw lots of beauty.
I personally love being in new cultures and seeing how people live in foreign places. To me, it’s interesting. So after we got shipped in one boat to the island, we were bombarded by island people to take their tour and see their land.
We finally settled with this taxi driver in a jeep and set off in our adventure through Samaná.
It was gloomy that day and every so often it would rain. On our first stop, it was to a waterfall.
We got a different tour guide as our taxi driver waited for us to come back. On this tour, we walked through a forest, along the way she explained the surrounding and how the cocoa bean found in chocolate was very prominent here. I even got to try one.
There were birds, plants, and even a tree climber, I mean he literally climbed a tree with his bare hands and feet and quick too.

Finally, we reached the waterfall, it was a beautiful place. Very serene and the waterfall was flowing. There was a mariachi band waiting at the end playing some music for our convenience.
At the end of the tour we parted ways with our tour guide, she was a lovely woman going to school and so we tipped her nice. (Remember to always tip tour guides, it’s common courtesy to do so.)

And then we were back on the road again, our taxi took us to this beautiful hilltop that overlooked the beach. It was amazing being there in the humidity. It almost felt surreal.
He then took us all around town, my camera was starting to die so my pictures aren’t up to par as I tried to save as much battery as I could.
We ended up seeing their markets, church, and shops. People loved to stare at us tourists and there were many kids who were always looking for a tip.
We were closing in our grand tour of Samaná where he took us to this beach. It was beautiful and there were not so many people there that it seemed like our own private beach.
We ended our trip with tipping our awesome taxi driver and taking a look around some shops along the coast. It was a sad day as the thought of this being our last island was hitting me.
As we set out onto the little humid boat that took us from the island to the ship, it really hit me that I wouldn’t be seeing this small little town of Samana for a while.
I saw the locals, I saw the nature, and I saw the beauty that was all in Samana, Dominican Republic.
And that concludes my Island Adventures from my Eastern Caribbean Cruise. If you want to see the first three islands check them out here: Island #1 | Island #2 | Island #3.
Keep an eye out because next up I want to talk about the AMAZING cruise line that is called the Norwegian Gem! I have a billion stories and want to share all the amazing food I ate.
For now, I hope you enjoyed my little island hopping tour and hope you get to visit some of these places in the near future. I know I’ll be wanting to come visit again soon.
Follow my journey!
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