
Comic-Con International: San Diego – The Flashback

So San Diego Comic Con 2014 has come and passed. And I was not there again this year and I’m okay with that.

Why would I be okay with it? Well that answer is as simple as saying that I don’t like crowds and waiting in lines (a reason why Disneyland can be conflicting to me).

But I have had the great privilege and pleasure to have gone to TWO Comic-Con Internationals in San Diego in my life. That’s two more than a lot of people.
Comic Con

On the Trolley to Comic-Con, just a tad excited.

It’s been years since my last Comic-Con experience and every year I hear how it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Comic-Con in San Diego is the biggest event that San Diego holds every summer. And big name celebs and directors all come here to reveal movie, book, and TV plots and pilots.

I want to throw it back to the old Comic-Con years I went to and how I felt so out of place at the convention they call ‘for the nerds’.

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Fab (and fattening) Fair

The San Diego County Fair or known as The Fab Fair for this year’s theme was quite a full-filling experience. And I mean that literally.


Located at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, which is the Del Mar Racetracks, as usual, the fair consisted of lots of unhealthy eating, thrill rides that make you re-think having eaten that deep fried corndog, and so many little shops you feel like you’re in an infomercial. And even though my body hated me the next day after binge eating grease and who knows what else, I am so glad I got to have a big cheat day and eat all that delicious food.

The San Diego County fair has always been special to me. I’ve grown up going to the SD Fair; it’s always a big deal in San Diego, as is any fair in any city really. But this fair has always been my main one. I mean I’ve performed a dance on one of the concert stages, worked for a radio station during the Michael Jackson zombie tribute, did the scary bungee ball ride.

But this year, we focused on the food, as it’s supposed to be.

The fair is always known for making the most outrageously bad, but actually so good, food for you. And every year the heart cloggers get more and more grandiose. While I didn’t try it, this year’s big heart attack item was called the Triple Decker Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger and I have heard reviews that it is good. I guess it tastes like it sounds: a cheeseburger wrapped around two glazed donuts, so if you’re up for it. I say, why not?

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USA vs Belgium: Soccer Squares


I am SO glad I got into soccer this last year. The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brasil wouldn’t be as exciting if it weren’t for my sudden love of soccer.

My love for soccer stemmed from my new fitness regime where soccer is played every Sunday on the adult women’s league in a nearby town and I’m their goalie. I had never played soccer in my entire life until last year. And now I’m watching soccer for fun!

I just wanted to dabble in a little soccer talk about today’s game of USA vs. Belgium. This game was very special because USA, EVEN though it lost to Germany last week, still made it to top 16 in the elimination round. That is a big deal for USA.

And with fourth of July coming up, it’s no wonder that people from all over the United States have gathered around for the match of the year for USA. (U-S-A, U-S-A!)

I am sorry to report that we lost to Belgium in extra time 2 – 1. This has knocked us out of the world cup completely.

But what makes this game so special was how crowds and crowds of people have gathered to witness this game. Offices have the game streaming in break rooms, bars are probably packed to the brim, it goes to show that if America really bands together we can be a force to be reckoned with considering that a recent study showed that the USA had the most active online community on the World Cup since USA got into knock out rounds.

I love big games like these where all these countries are all put together into one place and onto one screen. While we all have our own teams to route for, I love routing for unity as a world. I love seeing all these different nationalities onto one screen and then seeing the crowds of all different kinds of people enjoying the love of the game.

2014 FIFA World Cup, you are awesome. Cheers. I can’t wait until I can one day go to a FIFA World Cup, wherever it may be next time.

Oh and a big shout to USA goalie Tim Howard. He kicked ass at this game with 16 saves, giving him the title of the highest goalie saves in a world cup in the US in over a century. From one goalie to another, congrats to you. Now if only I can be as good as him. Ha, cheers

What team were you routing for during the World Cup? Comment below or tweet me @lostwithyvonne.

Travel is Life


Life, it’s a precious thing. I’m sure you all know that. But how much do we truly appreciate life and how much do we truly take for granted. Due to recent events in my life, I wanted to share why I have such a big passion for travel. Well one of the main reasons why (I have many).

To me, travel is life.

While I was not privileged to get to travel to exotic places when I was young, I decided to change that and make traveling my life goal. And I have never been so passionate about something in my entire life.

Already I’ve visited places like New York City, Las Vegas, and some islands on the eastern Caribbean. And for that I am truly blessed. And now, this upcoming fall of 2014 I get to finally live out my dream of going to Europe (More on this on another post).

But what I want to elaborate on is how much I appreciate the life I live and how privileged I am to be alive. While, no, I don’t make money traveling and no I don’t have a particular job that lets me travel the world. But I am living, breathing, and loving everything and everyone in my life.

You see, travel is something that doesn’t come easy. I mean it can for people who have money, but for many others it can be something that they can only dream of. I lived a good life growing up, my family loved and cared for me and gave me everything my heart desired.

And while it took me awhile to realize how important it was to travel and dream big, (I’d like to thank Samantha Brown and Great Hotels on Travel Channel for that), now I realized how much I want my life to be a big adventure no matter how big or small it will be.

Personally, everyone has excuses to not do something they’re passionate about. They also have excuses as to why they think their lives suck and why they can’t do this or do that. Well, in my opinion, those people need to wake up and realize how fortunate they are.

Everyone has their own issues in life and everyone has things that are tough and need to get through. I will include myself in that last statement. I’m not rich or famous, so I can’t just pick up and travel the world on my daddy’s dollar. I have to work for it. Just like everyone else does.

I guess what this post is basically saying is to wake up and just do it. And put a smile on your face while you’re at it. Life is hard. Life can suck. But how about you start thinking how far in life you’ve already come and how much you’ve already overcame in this life no matter what age you are at. Think about the people that are surrounding you in your life and how much they care and love you. Think about how you’re breathing and alive.

Think about positive things. Think happy. Maybe it’s the optimist in me and all you cynics are just scolding me. But try smiling and try thinking about how you’re alive and how you currently live. I’m sure you’ll find something good.

So cheers to happiness and cheers to traveling to add to your happiness. And a bigger cheers to you and the life you live.

Also never be afraid to dream BIG. You might surprise yourself at what you’re capable of doing to achieve those dreams.

Beautiful Disaster: San Diego Wildfires

As I drove to work, early Thursday morning on May 15, 2014, I looked east as the sun began to peek out through the mountains on my hour long commute. As I left Riverside County into my hometown of northern San Diego I saw a haze covering the city with a smell of burning land and smoke.

Fire season started early this year.

SD Fire

I know my blog is about traveling and the great things about it. But sometimes we also need to realize in some of the most beautiful places, there can be much danger deep in its root.

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A tree to happiness


Sometimes I like to walk away from my 9-5 job and just take walks during my breaks. The overwhelming life of a full timer can take a lot from a girl. Especially one that day dreams of throwing coins into the Trevi Fountain. So i decided to share a little gem I found on my walk away from work. Who knew this was located right behind my building, but all I can say is; this tree made me happy. The setting, the lighting, the tree, everything about this is bliss.

I guess all I want to say is maybe just take a walk away from your usual routine sometimes. And you never know what you may find. It might make your whole day happier (like mine did) or maybe at least smile for a brief moment, but at least it’ll do something to brighten your day.


San Diego Bay

Lost With Yvonne

This San Diego born and raised girl is ready to see the entire world. Follow my journey as I get lost in the beautiful world we live in.

Photo taken in 2006 at the San Diego Bay. San Diego skyline seen in the background.

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