Nostalgia. That’s a big thing in the digital world right now.

Throwbacks of Britney Spears’ Baby One More Time outfit #FreeBritney and seeing N*SYNC and Backstreet Boys collab together just give you all the feels.

And so when I came across this little ABC’s of Travel questionnaire, it brought me back to my Xanga and LiveJournal days and I figured, why not?

Why not have a little fun on my blog and bring back all the nostalgic feels as I make my way back into the digital media world? Why not have an enjoyable post that will bring me back to my traveling days and get me on the up and up on this blogging thing.

So without further ado: My ABC’s of Traveling.

A.. Age you went on your first international trip?
It was between the age of three to five, so let’s just say at four, I went to the Philippines to visit family. So to say, I don’t really remember this trip.

B. .Best Beer you’ve had and where.

If I am being real honest, not a big beer drinker. They all start to taste the same to me the longer I drink. But my go to drink will be Blue Moon at the Coors Factory was quite delicious after learning all about their beer processes.

C.. favorite Cuisine.
I love food. There are just too many to chose from. I guess I can simply say I loved this Kebab Sandwich in a small shop in Nice, France and when I went on my cruise to the Caribbean they made a lot of great food!

D.. Destination – favorite, least favorite and why?
Favorite: Toss up of Paris and Venice. Paris always leaves me in awe every time I think about getting lost in their streets and then seeing the almighty Eiffel Tower at night and Venice is just so beautiful it felt unreal to be there at times.

Least: Amsterdam was a bit of let down for me on last European trip. I didn’t really get to see the whole place and experience it as much as I wanted to since we only spent a night there, so I could probably change my mind.

E.. Event you’ve experienced that made you say “wow”.
Seeing the dancing lights of the Eiffel Tower for the first time. Actually any time I saw it I was always in Awe. I was in Love with Paris as soon as I saw that light show. I wish it never ended.

F.. Favorite mode of transportation?
I love the trains and subways system in Europe! I envy it every time I have to drive everywhere here in the states.

G.. Greatest feeling while traveling?
Seeing the place you’ve been dreaming of for the first time and it not letting you down.

H.. (Second) Home.

I.. Incredible service you’ve experienced and where?
This is a great question, but I think cruise ships have wonderful service and are so accomodating to your needs.

J.. Journey that took the longest?
LA to London. Non-stop. Thank goodness for sleeping pills.

K.. Keepsake from your travels?
Alex and I collect keychains because they’re cheap and easy to carry around and now we have a crazy amount that is cool to look at later in life.

L.. Let-down sight, where and why?
Amsterdam, but I believe we were more to blame for that reasoning. Also because we barely had a day to visit since I accidentally booked our flight earlier than anticipated.

M.. The moment where you fell in love with traveling?
Walking the streets of New York on my own in middle school. It felt surreal and was fun to be in a new environment over than the sandy beaches of California.

N.. Nicest view, where?
The balcony of a cruise ship somewhere in the Caribbean during sunset.

O.. (What are you) Obsessed with taking pictures of while traveling?
Buildings. Maybe it was because of my love for New York City and it’s tall buildings. But I always end up taking way to many pictures of buildings.

P.. Passport stamps- how many and where?
Good question, I believe I have a total of 3, mostly in Europe.

Q.. Quirkiest Attraction
Wall Drug in South Dakota. The signs alone was something else.

R.. Really Frightening: where’s one place you’ve visited where you felt unsafe or uneasy?
Pisa at night. Only because we were lost at one point and it was cold and felt sketchy. But turns out people were still extremely nice once we asked for help.

S.. Splurge-something you have no problem spending money on while traveling?
Plane tickets.. lol

T.. Touristy thing you’ve done?
All of them in any place I visit. So eiffel tower, leaning tower of pisa, etc.

U.. Unforgettable travel memory?
Riding a gondola at sunset in Venice.

V.. Visas-how many and for where?
none.. sadly.

W.. Wine – best while travelling ?

X.. eXcellent view and from where?
I think I already answered this, but another excellent view was at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Y.. Yachting?:
Only done curising.

Z.. Time-Zones visited?

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